64 MA students successfully graduated MA program in Psychology (Gender Studies) in Ukraine
On February 2019 the Graduation Ceremony of Master students in Psychology took place at Precarpathian National University named after Vasyl Stefanyk in Ukraine. 64 students (12 – full-time and 52 part-time) successfully graduated Master program ‘Social Psychology. Gender Studies’ that was developed and implemented within Erasmus+ CBHE programme project GeSt ‘Gender Studies Curriculum: A step for democracy and peace in EU-neighboring countries with different traditions’ (No. 561785-EPP-1-2015-1-LT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) and 8 of them completed studies with honors.
The MA students have obtained:
-competences to apply gender-sensitive approach in personal, family, management and business counseling
– ability to identify gender differences in psychological processes and personality traits
– understanding how to use gender approach in providing effective psychological assistance.
Students showed good academic performance in psychological interventions programs development (i.e. trainings, counseling etc.), conduction of individual and group counseling on gender issues, gender aspects in psychology and career development.
64 MA students successfully graduated MA program in Psychology (Gender Studies) in Ukraine