Master of Psychology
Compulsory block
Diploma type and program scope Master’s degree diploma, 90 ECTS credits per 1 year and 4 months
Higher educational establishment State higher educational institution “Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University”, faculty of philosophy social psychology department
Accreditation institution National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education of Ukraine
Accreditation period The program introduced in 2017
Program level QF­-EHEA – second cycle, ЕQ-F­LLL – 7 level, НРК – 7 level






Aim (goals) of the educational program is to train high-qualified specialists in the sphere of psychology, who possess fundamental knowledge in psychology, methodology of scientific research in psychology, regularities in psychological processes and phenomena functioning, who are able to apply modern methods of research, consultation, based on ethical principles of activity of an organizational psychologist, what will contribute to effectiveness of development of organizations in the context of economic and social transformations.
В Characteristics of the program


Name of the branch of knowledge and Speciality


Social and behavioral sciences. Psychology.*


The focus of the program:


General. Accent is made on supporting professional skills in self-organization of education, development of critical thinking, creativity, ability to solve problematic situations, take decisions and ensure quality of task performance along with fluency in foreign languages and informational technologies. The program includes the speciality – organizational psychology.
3 Program orientation  
4 Program peculiarities In general there are 4 search patterns: 1 scientific, professional, 2 practical.
  A list of academic disciplines and their abstracts **
1.     General training cycle
1.1.          Compulsory disciplines ECTS credits Term
01 Methodology and organization of scientific research 3 1
02 Management psychology 3 2
03 Modern informational technologies 3 3
04 Foreign language (for specific purposes) 3 3
1.2.         Optional disciplines
1.2.1.      Disciplines at the choice of the higher educational establishment
05 Multi-dimensional data analysis in psychology 3 1
06 Team work in organization and stress-management        3 1
2.     Cycle of professional training
2.1.         Compulsory disciplines
2.1.1.      Theoretical training
07 Consulting technologies in organizations 3 1
08 Labor law and ethics of an organizational psychologist 3 1
09  Business psychology 3 1
10 Professional health psychology 3 1
11 Coaching psychology 3 2
12 Management of conflicts and negotiations in organizations 3 1
2.1.2.      Practical training
13 Job training: scientific and pedagogical 6 2
14 Job training: scientific and research 6 3
15 Assessment 3 3
16 Preparation of Master’s thesis 15        1,2,3
2.2. Optional disciplines
2.2.1. Disciplines at the choice of the higher educational establishment
17 Group forms of work of a psychologist in organizations 3 3
18 Career management and consulting 3 3
2.2.2. Disciplines at the choice of a student (4)
19 Decision-making psychology in organizations 6 3
20 Psychology of enterprise communication management 3 1
21 Gender psychology 3 1
22 Psychological follow-up of personnel in organizations 3 2
23 Psychological choice and evaluation of personnel 3 2
24 Business-coaching technologies 3 2
25 Gender and career 3 2
26 Advertising psychology 3 3
27 Psychological security of a personality 3 3
28 Technologies of individual family consulting 6 3